In an ongoing effort to ensure that Apex Instruments is offering the best stack testing solutions, we often revisit EPA methods and our corresponding equipment. During our latest review of the Method 2 and Method 4 combination sampling train, we found several opportunities to improve efficiency and convenience.
Heated Sample Line
The EPA recommends that a heated sample line be used for Method 4 testing. The heated line improves accuracy by preventing condensation, which can bias the result by skewing moisture content.
[New] Probe Support Tripod
The new probe tripod is a light-weight probe support for traversing on stacks that don’t accommodate a monorail setup.
Quick Connect
The Method 5 Probe, which is used in Method 2/4 testing, now connects to the rest of the sample line through an easy-to-use, tool-less quick connect. The quick connect will minimize hassle for stack testers and eliminate drop hazards.
[New] Strain Relief Handle [SRH-16]
We are introducing a new strain relief and handle combination that makes for easier probe handling.
[New] Junction Box
A common complaint from stack testers is that of thermocouples getting caught in grates. The new junction box eliminates this problem by encapsulating wires into a compact unit, thereby giving testers better control of thermocouples and an easy wire management solution.